CX Outsourcers: Post-Event Report

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In May 2023, we had the pleasure of attending the CX Outsourcers 2023, seeing old friends, making new ones and finally meeting some who have, until now, we’ve only met across Zoom!

It was great to see some of our CX Corporate Members on the panel Graeme Matheson (John Lewis) and Chandni Bhatt (Beauty Pie).

Key themes covered were around Generative AI, Emerging Locations, Retention and Buyer Requirements.

Congratulations on a well-organised event, we already look forward to next year’s! 

Want to see our key takeaways from the event? Download the report today!

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CONTACT CENTRE GUIDE – ‘Pathway to a Successful Contact Centre Transformation’

The contact centre sits at the heart of many organisations CX strategies. Cloud-based solutions offer many advantages: commercial flexibility, access to more innovative functionality to enable automation, key data insights and more.
However, preparation is key – transformation is complex because it involves transferring and optimizing ongoing operations, existing workflows and contact flows.
Download the Atos Unify Whitepaper. It provides important steps and checklists to help assess your readiness and prepare to transform.

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