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How CCI Is Poised To Continue Delivery Within The Sector

With a focus on coal-powered energy generation, South Africa’s Power utility authorities are facing a difficult time in meeting demand while balancing future growth with its current infrastructure. However, the country has set up a separate entity to repurpose decommissioned sites as well as establish a new Nuclear facility that will produce and additional 2,500 megawatts of power with the government looking at new ways to fill the energy gap and alleviate the national gap for future success. 

These plans, however, will take 3 to 5 years to produce tangible outputs and the country has begun to adapt to a new energy deficient normal. CCI as market leaders in SA, continuously monitor emerging market impacting trends and foreplan with purpose. CCI has, through the years, fortified its energy and  power provision capability to ensure optimal operating standards as necessitated by the nature of the operations.

CCI’s facilities are purpose built, meaning that even though the nation struggles, CCI’s business continuity planning, sustainability initiatives and investment in infrastructure has ensured that its operating environment continues regardless of the energy struggles currently faced by the market.

The CCI facilities are powered by both the national grid and by 24/7 generator coverage alongside uninterruptible power supply devices that provide seamless transition between the grid shutdowns and the CCI energy infrastructure with onsite fuel to power its generators for a 12-hour period in case of complete grid failure.

In addition, the floor and server room Universal Power Supply devices are installed at alternate locations to protect against power fluctuations and provide continuous supply in case of a complete power loss. All power systems run through weekly and monthly maintenance checks as well as asset component audits, with real-time tests and benchmarking against the utility needs of client campaigns within all CCI buildings.

In addition, CCI servers, systems and hardware structures are all housed on AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google infrastructure that are all held at the highest tier of reliability and 99.9% uptime with multiple suppliers to provide network redundancies. 

The BCP approach of CCI has been overseen by PWC and is aligned to ISO022301 to ensure that it has best in market operating procedures and policies to back up the investment and assurances CCI provides to its clients as a globally leading BPO operator in South Africa.


CCI are a multi-geo, Africa focused BPO operator that endeavors to be adaptable, focused and future proofed for the markets we operate in, blending both the local potential with the international expectations of our clients. We assure our portfolio of campaigns both new and old of  continued service and further investment through our purpose built facilities across the continent.

Our approach is deployed across the entire estate in all geographies. CCI’s most recent facility in Kenya, Tatu City, will be LEED certified and is built to ESG standards to confirm total reliability and confidence for clients in how CCI operates. We support other BPO providers across Africa to adopt a forward-thinking approach that aims to continue to invest in infrastructure, the people and elevate jobs and communities in which they operate.

About CCI

CCI is an established business with over 15 years of experience serving clients in the USA, UK, Australia and Africa, they are a top tier outsourcer in Africa with our largest operational sites in South Africa, followed by Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda & Ghana. CCI offers world class customer experience solutions that derive true value for clients and their customers. CCI are constantly evolving and as the organization continues to make strides and expand its breadth of services, we endeavour to always think ahead to better engage with our community.  Find us on LinkedIn and connect with our team to find out how we are propelling the industry forward and how we can create value together. 

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