ChatLingual and Quantanite Join Forces to Enable Fast-Growing Companies to Deliver Multilingual Customer Support

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Strategic alliance pairs CX and Digital Outsourcing offerings with multilingual customer support 

ChatLingual, provider of the world’s most comprehensible multilingual messaging platform, is excited by the opportunity to unite with Quantanite, a Customer Experience and Digital Outsourcing solutions provider for the world’s fastest growing brands. 

ChatLingual will complement Quantanite’s CX and Digital Outsourcing offerings with their multilingual customer support operations, providing simple and more delightful customer and agent experiences in every language. Offering unique and deep insights into an area of customer service that is often overlooked, language, the strategic alliance and combined offerings will demonstrate how multilingual technology can offer enterprises a competitive advantage in today’s rapidly changing digital world. 

Andrew Hall, Chief Commercial Officer at Quantanite commented, “We are delighted to be working with ChatLingual. We’re looking forward to leveraging their multilingual technology as part of our approach to solutions that truly enable our clients towards more automation and self-service. With the speed, flexibility, and affordability we already deliver to our clients, this enhanced offering will enable fast-growing companies to speak their own client’s language.” 

ChatLingual CEO, Justin Custer, commented, “At ChatLingual, we’re helping our clients overcome the complex challenges of multilingual customer support by optimising service delivery. Forming an alliance with Quantanite will help us bring more value to more companies, and we’re excited about the energy and agility that the team at Quantanite brings to the table.”

About Quantanite
Quantanite is a Customer Experience and Digital Outsourcing solutions provider for the world’s fastest-growing companies. The company delivers customer experience management services, back-office services, and digital content services, and provides sales enablement and demand generation services through its sister brand Growthonics. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in the United Kingdom, the company’s nearly 2,000 employees operate on four continents and offer companies a hi-tech, personalised approach to delivering exceptional full-lifecycle customer engagement and supporting back-office digital services faster, better, and at a more cost-effective engagement. To learn more visit

About ChatLingual

ChatLingual provides the world’s most comprehensible multilingual messaging platform; supporting customer interactions in over 100 languages in real-time across chat, email, SMS, and social channels. Trusted by enterprises around the globe, ChatLingual enables companies to quickly provide multilingual customer support, allowing agents to converse with customers in their native language—no bilingual hires or translators required. ChatLingual brings multilingual support to companies across verticals through its messaging solutions:

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