The Rebirth of The Contact Centre: Contact Centre As A Service (CCaaS)

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At a recent GSA virtual event a panel of leading industry speakers and CX experts including myself and Tony Chambers, Head of Digital at TTEC EMEA discussed the concept of ‘Contact Centre as a Service’ (CCaaS).

So, what is CCaaS? Contact Centre as a Service is a software deployment model that enables companies to only purchase the technology they need and is commonly operated by a vendor to reduce IT, integration, and support costs. CCaaS solutions are most commonly deployed as a cloud based CX solution in contact centres, but in some instances, an on-site CCaaS software solution is more ideal.

During the event, the panel discussed the rebirth of the contact centre industry and the opportunities and challenges faced when adopting CCaaS, along with their top tips and considerations on how to implement technology when purchasing such a service.

Key takeaways

Contact centres have traditionally required a large capital outlay for property, fittings, and maintenance. CCaaS is mostly based on cloud computing and allows the on-demand delivery of IT resources via the internet with pay as you go pricing.  This means you can try technology and solutions without a huge capital outlay. The other advantages are it is more secure and has a triple level of resilience which provides stability and connectivity and is almost instant providing speed and agility. Bringing in AI, machine learning and personalisation allows you to gain a much better understanding of customers and their needs.

CCaaS has changed the landscape for service providers, there are no longer traditional service providers as they are embracing new technologies and cloud agility. Outsourcing is changing too as the industry can now provide technology solutions that are not location-based and a mixture of human and robotics which is increasing the employee and customer experience. I commented “It’s a win win for agility and flexibility and is a real game changer” which I honestly believe is the case.

The panel agreed technology has come a long way since the advent of ACDs and IVR and that a rebirth of the contact centre is happening. In the past there has been a lot of technical restraints, but now fully integrated solutions are possible for effective and optimal solutions, making it a very exciting time for the industry.

The challenge now is that organisations need to adapt and adapt fast as the technology is available to allow brands to rethink IT and technology needs from their customer’s viewpoint. The panel agreed the buying behaviours of organisations will change and there should no longer be large RFP’s and huge IT projects, replaced instead with how can you deliver a good customer journey? The focus is on the customer outcome, not the underlying systems and processes.

Alistair Niederer, Head of EMEA at TTEC

Alistair is a strategic leader for the TTEC EMEA region bringing innovation and change to clients and prospects.  He is a seasoned senior business leader and passionate about customer experience transformation (CXT) and CX technology providing the right service experience required to drastically improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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